I did not go to College after High School because I thought that I should be putting kingdom interests first. Not because I had set a date for Armageddon.
In my case (which is in the minority of others on this list) 1975 meant nothing to me in 1975. Now 1914! That was the date I set my hopes on. Realizing 1914 was baloney was a big step for me.
To AlanF who said that my position would have been called spiritually weak in 1975. I would have vehemently said they were the ones who were spiritualy weak. I would have said that to any Circuit or District Overseer or Governing Body member. I had heard about 1975 being the end from my inactive spiritually dead step father, his alcoholic mother and pot smoking sisters. These are the only people I knew who said they believed Armageddon was coming in 1975. The active members of my Congregation publically said they did not believe this.
I cannot count how many householders asked me about 1975 and I always said NO!